Broken Bones
Kids will be kids…. And the monkey bars aren’t going away anytime soon. Children with broken bones require specialized treatment given their growing skeletons and growth plates. We specialize in the treatment of all injuries in children with expertises in pediatric fracture care.
“Children with broken bones are best treated from pediatric experts who have specialized training in caring for growing bones”
Dr. Illingworth
Non-Operative Treatment
Unlike adult bones, kids bones often can be treated without surgery. However, success of avoiding surgery often relies on the quality of the casts holding the bones. We specialize in casting techniques to optimize healing of young bones.
Fracture Surgery
Sometimes surgery is need to allow fractured bones to heal in the appropriate position and optimize function long term. Expert knowledge in operating around growth plates and growing bones allows for optimal outcomes. Kids are not just small adults, and surgical treatments vary depending on the Childs skeletal age.